
“ The entire conduct of philosophy as a discipline—from the way our curriculum is structured to the way we run our professional organizations and journals—looks to anyone not already socialized into it like an extension of a British club in India, celebrating European intellectual hegemony and excluding the ‘natives.’”

— Jay L. Garfield Engaging Buddhism: Why It Matters to Philosophy x.

So, what can we do about it?

In answer to that question, was started, after one person examined his own spheres of influence, skills, and personal priorities.

The Manifesto

Safe space for learning.

Provide a safe space for learning about Buddhism, philosophy, and Buddhist philosophy in a podcast format. The space will be friendly and informal. The resources should be accessible, and will be best suited to those with either some background in philosophy but not Buddhism, or some background in Buddhism but not philosophy.

Speak on no-one’s behalf.

The iron rule of community organising: Never do for others what they can do for themselves. A paternalistic attitude helps no-one. Everyone can speak for themselves, so long as they have the power to do so.

Include under-represented voices.

Those least well-represented in the spheres of both philosophy and Buddhism will have a platform to speak for themselves. Any attempt to combat Eurocentrism in philosophy is intimately related to the inclusion of under-represented voices in the spheres of gender, race, religion, and class.

Make no pretence to universality, impartiality, or sufficiency.

This platform will never aim to spread, covertly or openly, a ‘universal dharma’. Impartiality is impossible; this platform will, inevitably, bring with it the personal priorities of those who contribute. A platform for Buddhist philosophy is a minuscule, insufficient step, toward combating the problems with philosophy.

Use a maximally inclusive definition of philosophy.

There will be no boundary policing; no-one will be told “that’s not philosophy”. Neither will there be shepherding; if someone thinks their work, beliefs, of practices are not philosophy, then their preferences will be listened to and respected.

Use all available platforms to promote further educational tools and voices.

A plethora of privilege has contributed to the success of this platform; the platform will support, promote, and stand in solidarity with those organisations whose values align with the manifesto.

This is a provisional, incomplete manifesto. It will never be finished and can always be improved; points will continually be added, modified, or removed. Contribution and thoughts are always welcome.

“Of the top 50 philosophy doctoral programs in the English-speaking world, only 15 percent have any regular faculty members who teach any non-Western philosophy.”

— Jay L. Garfield and Bryan Van Norden If Philosophy Won’t Diversify

“In the wake of colonialism and in the context of racism, (Eurocentrism in philosophy) is both intellectually and morally indefensible.”

— Jay L. Garfield Engaging Buddhism: Why It Matters to Philosophy ix.